星期一, 4月 11, 2005

Final MB Medical Written + Surgical MCQ done....!!!

Ths buses that are supposed to pick us up from PWH to CU main campus is 30 mins late and we started the exam 30 mins late. The surgical MCQ is crazy......200 questions....4 hours...fell asleep for the last 30 mins...luckily i have finished the paper by then

Before I forget...
Medicine (each question 15 min)
1)X-ray showing subphrenic gas, old lady with history of joint pain, taking colchicine, diclofenac, panadol....coffee ground and abdominal pain
-what is the abnormality on the x-ray (2)
-Would you do OGD to investigate the coffee ground? why? (3)
-How would you manage her? (5)
2)35 Male rejected from blood donation, 75kg and 1.4m height. ALT 2 times normal. Fasting glucose 12. anti-HBsAg+, anti-HC+, IgGanti-HAV+.
-What are the 3 possible causes of his deranged LFT?
-How would you investigate?
-How would you manage?
3)Yound man with TB symtoms, X-ray and Smear positive
-What are the anti-TB drugs that you would use?
-If on day 5 his ALT got up to 2X baseline, what would you do?
-If on day 7 his ALT got up to 4X normal, what would you do?
4)Outline the management of Aspiration pneumonia in elderly patients with dysphagia
5)35yo male with 6 months hx of Htn. on indapamide and metoprolol. Come in with weakness and K=2.1 Found to have throitoxicosis, not treatment yet.
-List 3 causes of his low K
-How would you investigate?
-How would you manage?
6)Yound lady with recent low mood, came in with stupor. Gotten some medication from GP 2 weeks ago for flu.
-What are the first line investigation you would do? Give reasons.
-How do you manage her?
7)Yound man with chronic diarrheo x 8mths, no blood no slime, weightloss 25 pounds. Frequent travel to china, denied drug and sexual exposure. Unknown colorectal surgery done some years ago. Now found to have skin tag at anus.
-List 2 commest diagnosis
-How would you investigate?
-How would you manage?
8)Yound lady with isolated platelet count of 67. Asymtomatic.
-What is the most likely diagnosis?
-How would you manage her?
-if she comes back at 6 months with epistaxis and bruising, Platelet count 12. How would you manange her?
9)Old man with sudden left sided weakness and slurring speech. DM and Htn 170/110
-How would you investigate?
-How do you manage him?
10)45 yo lawyer with sudden onset of great toe pain after meal. Hx of DM and HTN
-What is the most likely diagnosis?
-What are the significant differentials?
-How would you investigate and manage him?
11)55 yo man recent diagnosis of HTN, given diltiazem and metoprolol by GP. Came in unconciouses. Pulse 34/min. with complete heart block.
-What are the initial investigation?
-How would you manange?
-What are the pharmacodynamic cause of his heart block?
12)Middle age chronic heavy smoker with admitted with chest pain
-how would you quantify his risk factor?
-How would investigate and manage him?
