Just finished my surgical OSCE. it was crazy, 26 stations.....(but the worse was in med one anatomy practical 150 stations).....anyway. standard things came out.
BTW confirmed 16 pple failed medical written and 10 pple failed medical OSCE (not me)...those 10 are straight fail cases, and have to repeat 6 months of medicine. Shit, I think all of them deserve a second chance. It is just unacceptable.
Here are some of the OSCE station I got today
1)Catheterise a bladder in less than 5 minutes.
2)Setup a CVP and take a measurement
3)Local anaesthetise a piece of PORK skin for a ecisional biopsy
4)Examine fake breasts worn by an old man
5)Examine 5 more fake breast lying on a table and write the diagnosis
6)Examine the gait and do trendenlenberg test on a lady
7)Do a nerological exam of the lower limbs and a straight leg raising test on an old lady
8)X-ray of monteggia fracture
9)X-ray of hip fracture
10)X-ray of pneumothorax
11)CT/x-ray of Malignat small bowel obstruction with liver and lung met
12)Clerk a history of low back pain
13)Clerk a history of claudication
14)Break bad news (in english) to the son of someone with inoperable gastric CA
15)Make long distant call to an old lady's son. The old lady has Seborraeic dermatosis.
16)Examine someone with derranged thyroid function
17)Manage someone with a high fever day 3 after hip replacement (intepret temperature and fluid chart), likely to be transfusion reaction
18)Fill up a form to request imaging for a young lady with cystic neck mass (you can choose MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and Angiogram), She had private Ultrasound and she is also wearing braces.
19)assess the GCS of a RTA sufferer and manage accordingly.