星期三, 3月 16, 2005

MB Eamination Made Easy

Today, there is this never-seen-before professor came talk to us about final MB. He came from Johannesburg. He was a surgeon but has been working in medical eduation for 15 years (according to him). He worked in an occult unit in our faculty, the centre for learning and teaching excellence...or something like that, that is why he was never seen before today.

He spent the last few years in Hong Kong designing the examinations for our faculty. He had shown us some sample examination questions and elaborate on the reasonale behind, backed by hard-core research facts. For example,
1)It takes on average 38s to read the questions in MCQ. So they have given us more time in MCQ from 72s/question to 90s/question
2)According to a RCT, there is no different in performance whetever the students were allowed to write during the resting stations in OSCE.
3)Negative marking in MCQ cannot reflect the true performance of the candidates..
4)R-type MCQs (extended matching) are effective in accessing basic and clinical science integration.
and so on.

I was once very amazed, there is actually someone doing these kind of research? strange......
