星期六, 1月 22, 2005

Prof KL Chan

Well.. Prof KL Chan is another excellent teacher blessed(btw, I am a free thinker) to our medical school. He is very nice, keen to teach and takes time to prepare for lessons. However, he also knows how to teach us effectively. He doesnt drill us on an exhuastive list of diagnosis, he doesnt force his opinion and way of performing physical examination onto us. He recognises each of us are different and has different approach to the same problem and different ways to examine the same problem.

What he does is to point out our strength and weaknesses and the disadvantage and benefits of our approaches. He put alot of emphasis on the logical approach towards diagnostic process and patient care. His tutorials wont last more than an hour, but, in that magical (truly magical) hour, he teaches us things that takes us years in reading textbooks.
